“A Master's JourneSecret Memoirs of a Warrior, Healer, & Mystic (3rd & Final Revision) ”
From training with many talented Chinese kungfu masters, powerful energy healers, and esoteric Daoist and Buddhist mystics - to befriending and working with high council members of the Chinese Tong, C.I.A. agents, and Contract Mercenaries - Professor Jerry Alan Johnson shares his incredible true-life adventure in this exciting 566-page teaching memoir.
With 50-years of training under his belt, Professor Johnson recounts the fascinating experience of being mentored by several great masters of Chinese internal martial artist, Chinese energetic medicine, and ancient Daoist mysticism.
In this 3rd and final revised edition, Professor Johnson shares many esoteric teachings that were originally passed down to him in his quest for developing self-mastery and obtaining self-realization. Included in this final color version are new images used to help the reader understand his unique journey.
Dr. Johnson's Bio
Having studied ancient Daoism and Chinese esoteric energetic practices for over 41 years (including the Shang Qing Pai, Tian Shi Pai, Ling Bao Pai, Bai Ji Pai, and Long Men Pai systems of Chinese esoteric mysticism)
This books have been written by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson, and contain translated texts and secret esoteric teachings from the Shang Qing, Tian Shi, Ling Bao, Bai Ji, and Long Men systems of Daoist Magic.
Daoist Articles
The following are some examples of the information currently being taught during Professor Jerry Alan Johnson’s Closed-Door Daoist Priest classes. The purpose for making these special teachings available to the public are two fold.