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New Class in Buddhist Mysticism


New Class in Buddhist Mysticism 🕉

“The Mystical Teachings of the Buddhist” Course

Taught By Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, Ph.D., DT.C.M., D.M.Q. (China)

Class Begins June 6, 2022 

at 6:00 PM Pacific

This certification class will begin in June and continue for 3 years; then, its focus will shift to working with ancient Tibetan Phurba magic, with the center of attention placed on healing and spiritual protection.

Classes will be held in Zoom format on Monday nights, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Dr. Johnson will hold a five-days seminar towards the end of the seminar to help all participating students further embody the training and obtain a much deeper insight into this ancient mystical approach toward spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

The following Syllabus is based on the first 18 months of the upcoming teaching on esoteric Buddhist mysticism.